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Meet the Pups: Catfish aka "Sticks" aka "Fish"



It's Stick Doggy Dogg

Just kidding!

My full name is Catfish Sticks

but my family recognizes my awesomeness

by calling me by my other names!



Lugnut, Sticky Fish,

and Baby Fish

Obviously, I'm the baby of the family.

My moms just can't resist holding me

That's why they've been known to carry me in my Pup-poose

When I'm not comforting my mamas

I am usually hard at work

Living in the country there's a lot I have to do!

I volunteer every day for guard duty

And it's a lot of hard work...

Especially because Winston usually just sleeps on the job!

Fish in a mini sombrerro
But I still make time for some fun

The hardest work I have in Colorado though is Bear Patrol

BooBoo has gotten very disrespectful

And now only runs away once I get Winston up!

How rude!

I can't wait to grow up and be as cool as Winnie.

To relax from a hard day,

My best puppy friend, and big sister, Sadie

Usually will chase me around the yard

Until she can sneak up and knock me into a roll!

We really know how to have a great time!

Fish + Sadie
No, we aren't hiding any secrets...

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